Prescriptive Rebate Program

Take advantage of rebates to offset the cost of your lighting upgrade or new construction project through the BGE Smart Energy Savers Program! If your project requires site-specific evaluation and you are looking for a tailored solution that provides you greater access to rebate-eligible LED luminaires, this is the program for you.

Do note that the prescriptive program requires you to receive utility pre-approval prior to beginning your project. The pre-approval process usually takes a few weeks in which time the utility will review the proposed scope of work in order to confirm your eligibility before setting aside funding for your lighting upgrade.

BEG SmartEnergy Savers Program-logo
All non-residential accounts with rate schedules G, GS, GL, P and T in BGE’s service territory are eligible to participate. Look under the “Electric Details” section of your utility bill to find your rate schedule.

For more information, click here